Heaven's Special Child

Who Is Heaven’s Special Child

"Heaven's special child" is a metaphorical or symbolic figure representing individuals seen as pure, innocent, or blessed. This term is often used to describe children who have passed away at…
Child with Lissencephaly

Heaven’s Special Child Poem

HEAVEN'S VERY SPECIAL CHILDA meeting was held quite far from Earth.It was time again for another birth.Said the Angels to the Lord above – “This special child will need much…
Erica Balloon Release

Erica Michelle Bayliss

Erica Michelle BaylissMay 3, 1992 - April 5, 2001 Our little Angel has gone to heaven but not before making a lot of friends along the way like these special…
Cat's Angel Drawing

A Personal Narrative

Our 13 year old daughter, Catherine, wrote and read it to her class at St. Mark's School so they could understand Lissencephaly. We couldn't be anymore proud! Personal Narrative on…